The Antiguan & Barbudan National Trade Expo 2015


…Everything Antiguan & Barbudan.

I was honoured and extremely happy, to be able to take part in an event like this and showcase my Antiguan Apparel line. The trade expo is an event where small, local, business owners / manufacturers, get together in one area, and showcase their merchandise to the public. It was not only a great way to meet potential buyers for my own pieces, but to fraternize with small business peers, and appreciate how amazingly talented and innovative we can be as small island people. From agriculture to fashion, and everything in between, you got it all in one place. I was extremely encouraged by the feedback that I received, and I feel as if I am finally filling a patriotic void in my community.


My children came along to assist me at my booth, and they also both took amazing pictures of the event. I may have some photo journalism majors on my hand. Peep all of the awesomeness below.

Antiguan Apparel


My Sexy mannequin being molested by one of the patrons. :-)

My sexy mannequin being molested by one of the patrons. 🙂

The pieces are available in all of the 5 flag colours (Red, White,Blue, Yellow & Black) and each colour comprises of a tank top, t-shirt, crop top and a pair of shorts. Our flag is one of the prettiest ones I’ve ever seen, so I made sure there are a lot of options to mix and match and fashionably express our patriotism.


I Loved this shot my daughter took…


Other Trade Expo Booths

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There were a few more booths that I was unable to capture, but I look forward to this event next year. I had a lot of fun.

About bak2moi

I am a woman trying to balance motherhood and womanhood, while pursuing her dreams. Hopefully I get to keep at least foot on the ground during the process.
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2 Responses to The Antiguan & Barbudan National Trade Expo 2015

  1. Arlan says:



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